
Shakespeare (EN)
Īpašvārds, lietvārds

Īpašvārds “Shakespeare”

  1. angļu dramaturgs un dzejnieks no 16. un 17. gadsimta
    We studied Shakespeare's tragedies in our literature class.
  2. Viljama Šekspīra darbi
    She enjoys reading Shakespeare in her free time.
  3. uzvārds
    Mr. Shakespeare will be joining us shortly.
  4. ciemats Ontārio, Kanādā
    They visited Shakespeare during their trip to Canada.

lietvārds “Shakespeare”

sg. Shakespeare, pl. Shakespeares or uncountable
  1. dramaturgs, kas ir salīdzināms ar Viljamu Šekspīru
    The new writer is considered a Shakespeare of the modern era.
  2. izteiksmīga vai poētiska valoda
    His speech was full of Shakespeare; it moved everyone who heard it.