būdvardis “third”
bazinė forma third, negradabilus
- trečias
Užsiregistruokite, kad matytumėte pavyzdinių sakinių vertimus ir vienakalbius kiekvieno žodžio apibrėžimus.
She finished in third place in the race.
daiktavardis “third”
Vienaskaita third, daugiskaita thirds arba neiskaitomas
- trečdalis
She drank a third of the bottle of juice.
- trečia pavara
He shifted smoothly into third as the car picked up speed.
- tercija
In the choir, the sopranos and altos often sing in thirds to create harmony.
- trumpas pavadinimas laipsnio, suteikiamo mažiausiai pasiekusiems pagyrimo laipsnio programoje
Despite his hard work, Peter graduated with a third in his engineering degree.
- trečia bazė
Johnson slid safely into third just before the ball arrived.