sounding (EN)
daiktavardis, būdvardis

Šis žodis taip pat gali būti forma:
sound (veiksmažodis)

daiktavardis “sounding”

sg. sounding, pl. soundings
  1. gilumo matavimas
    Before constructing the bridge, the engineers took soundings to ensure the riverbed was stable enough to support the structure.
  2. gylis (matuojant vandens gylį)
    Before anchoring, the crew conducted soundings to ensure the water was deep enough for their vessel.
  3. uretros sondavimas
    The doctor performed a sounding to investigate the patient's urinary difficulties.

būdvardis “sounding”

  1. triukšmingas
    The sounding alarm signaled the start of the evacuation.
  2. skambus
    The deep, sounding bell echoed through the quiet village at dusk.