full (EN)

būdvardis “full”

full, fuller, fullest
  1. pilnas
    The bus was so full that no one else could get on.
  2. visiškas (kai kalbama apie visumą, pvz., visiškas rinkinys)
    He gave a full account of the events that took place.
  3. sotus
    After the huge Thanksgiving dinner, we were all feeling very full.
  4. gausus (kai kalbama apie kiekį, pvz., gausus kritulių kiekis)
    The garden was full of beautiful flowers in every color.
  5. prikrautas (kai kalbama apie tai, kad kažkas neša kiek įmanoma daugiau)
    She arrived with her arms full.
  6. apvalus (kai kalbama apie formą ar išvaizdą)
    She admired her reflection, noting her full cheeks in the mirror.
  7. pilnatis (kai kalbama apie Mėnulio fazę)
    We planned our night hike to coincide with the full moon.
  8. laisvas (kai kalbama apie drabužių dydį ar stilių)
    He wore a full coat that billowed behind him in the wind.
  9. sodrus (kai kalbama apie skonį ar garsą)
    The wine had a full flavor that lingered on the palate.
  10. įsitraukęs (kai kalbama apie dėmesio ar veiklos užimtumą)
    His mind was full of thoughts about the upcoming exam.