daiktavardis “alley”
vns. alley, dgs. alleys
- skersgatvis
Užsiregistruokite, kad matytumėte pavyzdinių sakinių vertimus ir vienakalbius kiekvieno žodžio apibrėžimus.
The alley behind the bakery is a shortcut to the main street.
- alėja
They strolled down the rose-covered alley, enjoying the fragrant blooms on either side.
- lauko žaidėjų tarpas (beisbole)
The center fielder sprinted to catch the ball in the alley before it could hit the ground.
- boulingo salonas
We're going to the new bowling alley downtown for my birthday party.
- boulingo takelis
She carefully aimed and rolled the ball down the alley, hoping for a strike.
- dvigubų varžybų zona (tenise)
When playing doubles in tennis, the ball is considered in if it lands in the alley.