
supply (EN)
этиш, аталыш сөз

этиш “supply”

инфинитив supply; ал supplies; өткөн чак supplied; өткөн пат. supplied; гер. supplying
  1. камсыз кылуу
    The company supplies fresh vegetables to local stores.
  2. ордун басуу (бирөөнүн ордуна)
    She is supplying for the regular nurse during her absence.

аталыш сөз “supply”

жекелик supply, көптүк supplies же санаксыз
  1. запастагы нерсе
    The hospital has a limited supply of masks.
  2. камсыздоо
    The supply of electricity was disrupted during the storm.
  3. ордун басуучу (убактылуу)
    He worked as a supply in the school for a year.