
steady (EN)
сын атооч, этиш, аталыш сөз, наречие

сын атооч “steady”

steady, steadier, steadiest
  1. бекем
    The ladder was steady as she climbed.
  2. туруктуу
    The patient showed steady improvement over time.
  3. ишенимдүү
    She has been a steady friend through good times and bad.

этиш “steady”

steady; he steadies; past steadied, part. steadied; ger. steadying
  1. бекемдөө
    He steadied the wobbly table with a folded napkin.
  2. туруктуу болуу (туруктуулукка жетүү)
    After a few minutes, his breathing steadied.

аталыш сөз “steady”

sg. steady, pl. steadies
  1. таяныч
    The carpenter used a steady to hold the wood in place.
  2. (бейрасмий) туруктуу жигит же кыз
    She went to the prom with her steady.

наречие “steady”

steady (more/most)
  1. бекем (термелбей)
    He worked steady through the night to meet the deadline.