аталыш сөз “stalk”
жекелик stalk, көптүк stalks
- сабак
Катталыңыз, мисал сүйлөмдөрдүн котормолорун жана ар бир сөздүн бир тилдеги аныктамаларын көрүү үчүн.
The sunflower's tall stalk held up its bright yellow petals.
- көздүн муруту
The crab's eyes moved independently on their stalks, scanning the surroundings for food.
этиш “stalk”
инфинитив stalk; ал stalks; өткөн чак stalked; өткөн пат. stalked; гер. stalking
- аңдып басуу
The cat stalked the bird, moving silently through the tall grass.
- артынан түшүү (адамды куугунтуктоо)
He was arrested for stalking his neighbor by sending her unwanted messages every day.
- кекирейип басуу
She stalked out of the room, her head held high.