
solid (EN)
сын атооч, аталыш сөз

сын атооч “solid”

негизги форма solid, салыштырма solider, эң жогорку solidest (же more/most)
  1. катуу
    At room temperature, iron is a solid metal.
  2. бекем
    The bridge is built on solid steel beams to withstand heavy loads.
  3. толук
    The statue was carved from a solid block of marble.
  4. ишенимдүү
    She has always been a solid friend who is there when I need her.
  5. үзгүлтүксүз
    He studied for a solid eight hours before the exam.
  6. жакшы (ой, идея ж.б.)
    That's a solid idea for the project!
  7. туруктуу
    He's a solid player the team can count on.
  8. үч өлчөмдүү
    In geometry class, we learned about solid figures like cubes and spheres.
  9. бир түстүү
    He prefers to wear solid colors rather than patterns.
  10. үзгүлтүксүз (сызык)
    The solid lines on the map indicate main roads, while dashed lines show footpaths.

аталыш сөз “solid”

жекелик solid, көптүк solids
  1. катуу зат
    At room temperature, most metals are solids.
  2. үч өлчөмдүү фигура
    In geometry class, we studied various solids like cubes and pyramids.