аталыш сөз “doctor”
жекелик doctor, көптүк doctors
- дарыгер
Катталыңыз, мисал сүйлөмдөрдүн котормолорун жана ар бир сөздүн бир тилдеги аныктамаларын көрүү үчүн.
When I was sick, the doctor gave me medicine to help me get better.
- доктор (илимий даражага ээ болгон адам)
She became a doctor of philosophy after completing her dissertation.
- ветеринар
We took our cat to the doctor when she stopped eating.
- адис (ишти оңдогон же жакшырткан)
He's the computer doctor who can solve any tech problem.
этиш “doctor”
инфинитив doctor; ал doctors; өткөн чак doctored; өткөн пат. doctored; гер. doctoring
- бурмалоо
He was caught doctoring the records to hide the missing funds.
- ууландыруу
They suspected someone had doctored their drinks.
- дарыгердей дарылоо
She doctored the injured hiker until help arrived.
- докторлук даража берүү
At graduation, the university will doctor the successful candidates.