discovery (EN)
аталыш сөз

аталыш сөз “discovery”

sg. discovery, pl. discoveries or uncountable
  1. табылга
    The discovery of ancient ruins in the valley excited archaeologists from around the world.
  2. ачылыш
    The Age of Discovery led to the finding of new continents and trade routes.
  3. далилдерди чогултуу процесси (соттук)
    During the discovery phase, both lawyers exchanged relevant documents and listed potential witnesses.
  4. далилдер (соттук)
    During the lawsuit, the judge ordered more discoveries to ensure both sides had access to all relevant facts.
  5. ачылыш (шахмат)
    In our chess game, I unleashed a powerful discovery by moving my rook, which suddenly exposed his king to a check from my bishop.