
derive (EN)

этиш “derive”

инфинитив derive; ал derives; өткөн чак derived; өткөн пат. derived; гер. deriving
  1. алуу
    She derived great satisfaction from helping others.
  2. келип чыгуу
    His love for cooking derives from his grandmother's influence.
  3. жыйынтык чыгаруу
    From the clues given, the detective derived that the suspect was lying.
  4. келип чыгышын аныктоо (сөздүн тарыхын изилдөө)
    Linguists derived the word "butterfly" from the Old English word "buttorfleoge".
  5. химиялык реакция аркылуу алуу
    The scientist derived the new drug from a natural plant extract.