critical (EN)
сын атооч

сын атооч “critical”

  1. сынчы
    His critical nature often made it hard for him to enjoy movies without pointing out every flaw.
  2. абдан маанилүү
    Drinking enough water is critical for staying healthy.
  3. сын пикирлерге байланыштуу (тасмаларда же адабиятта)
    Her critical review of the novel highlighted both its strengths and weaknesses.
  4. өтө кооптуу (медициналык абалда)
    After the accident, she was rushed to the hospital in a critical state.
  5. өзүн-өзү колдоого алган ядролук реакцияга байланыштуу
    Once the uranium reached its critical mass, the scientists had to proceed with extreme caution to avoid an uncontrolled chain reaction.
  6. суюк абалга өтүүгө мүмкүн эмес болгон атайын температурага байланыштуу
    When water reaches its critical temperature of 374°C, it can no longer be converted into a liquid, no matter how much pressure is applied.