negative (EN)
형용사, 명사, 동사, 감탄사

형용사 “negative”

  1. 해로운
    Smoking has negative consequences for your health.
  2. 영하의
    My bank account balance went negative after the unexpected expenses.
  3. 음전하의
    The negative charge of the electron balances the positive charge of the proton.
  4. 부정적인
    The statement "She does not like ice cream" is negative because it denies the proposition that she likes ice cream.
  5. 비관적인
    Despite the sunny weather, her negative attitude cast a shadow over the picnic.
  6. 반전된 (사진의 색을 반대로 나타내는 경우)
    In the negative colors of the photo, the sky appeared orange instead of blue.
  7. 음성인 (질병이 없음을 나타내는 경우)
    After a tense week of waiting, her test results came back as negative.
  8. 비금속성의
    In this reaction, chlorine acts as a negative element, accepting electrons from the metal.

명사 “negative”

sg. negative, pl. negatives or uncountable
  1. 단점
    His constant lateness is a negative that affects the whole team.
  2. 거부권
    The president exercised his negative to block the passage of the new law.
  3. 네거티브 필름
    She carefully stored the film negatives in a dark place to prevent damage.
  4. 부정 (어떤 것의 부재나 반대를 나타내는 경우)
    "No," "not," and "never" are examples of negatives in English grammar.
  5. 음수
    Subtracting five from two results in a negative of three.
  6. 네거티브 운동 (근육 운동에서 근육이 완전히 수축한 상태에서 시작하여 이완되는 경우)
    During his workout, he focused on the negatives to increase muscle strength.
  7. 음극
    In the battery, electrons flow from the negative to the positive plate.

동사 “negative”

negative; he negatives; past negatived, part. negatived; ger. negativing
  1. 거절하다
    The committee decided to negative the proposal due to budget constraints.
  2. 반박하다
    The scientist worked hard to negative the hypothesis with her new data.

감탄사 “negative”

  1. 아니 (동의하지 않거나 부정할 때 사용하는 말)
    "Should we go out in this storm?" "Negative, it's too dangerous."