kata benda “yard”
tunggal yard, jamak yards
- satuan dawa sing padha karo 3 kaki utawa kira-kira 0,91 meter
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
She needed two yards of fabric to make the dress for the party.
- pekarangan
They spent the afternoon gardening in their front yard to make it look beautiful for visitors.
- plataran (kanggo nyimpen utawa nggarap kendaraan utawa barang)
The old train was kept in the railway yard until it could be repaired.
- (nautical) cagak dawa sing digantung ing sakloro tiang layar kanggo ndhukung layar
During the storm, the sailors had to secure the yard to prevent damage to the sails.
- (slang AS) satus dolar
He sold his old laptop for a yard to save up for a new one.
- (sugeng) siji milyar dolar
The investment firm managed assets totaling over ten yards.
- omah
After the concert, they invited friends back to their yard for a late-night snack.