works (EN)
kata benda

Tembung iki uga bisa dadi wangun saka:
work (kata benda, cêkapan)

kata benda “works”

sg. works, pl. works or uncountable
  1. pabrik
    After the layoffs, the works seemed like a ghost town, with only a few lights on at night.
  2. mesin (kanggo nyebutake bagéan-bagéan sing obah utawa komponen saka mesin utawa sistem)
    When I opened the clock to fix it, I was fascinated by the intricate works inside.
  3. kabèh (nalika digunakake kanggo pesenan panganan, tegese 'karo kabèh tambahan utawa bumbu sing kasedhiya')
    When ordering her hot dog, she said, "Give me one with the works, including onions, relish, and mustard."