pitulung kriya “will”
- nandakake wekdal mangsa ngarep
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
I will finish my homework before dinner.
- péngin
kata benda “will”
tunggal will, jamak wills utawa ora bisa diitung
- karep (nalika nggawe keputusan)
Despite the obstacles, he had the will to continue his studies.
- karep (tujuan utawa maksud)
The new policy reflects the will of the majority.
- wasiat
My grandmother left me her house in her will.
cêkapan “will”
infinitif will; dhèwèké wills; lampau willed; part. lampau willed; ger. willing
- maringi wasiat
My father willed his vintage car to me.