angka “three”
- telu
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
She has three apples in her basket.
kata benda “three”
tunggal three, jamak threes
- wolu pitu (angka sing bentuke kaya wolu nanging ana ing ngisor pitu)
She wrote the number three on the board, with two curves and a horizontal line.
- jumlah telu (barang utawa ukuran sing nilaine telu)
All the threes have been sold.
- kertu telu (kertu sing nduweni gambar utawa simbol jumlah telu)
In our last game of poker, I won the hand with a pair of threes and a king.
- jam telu (wanci sawise jam loro lan sadurunge jam papat)
The meeting is scheduled to start at three in the afternoon.
- tripoin (jumblah nilai saka lemparan jarak jauh ing basket sing diitung telu poin)
He dribbled past the defender and sank a smooth three from beyond the arc.