sounder (EN)
kata benda

Tembung iki uga bisa dadi wangun saka:
sound (sifat)

kata benda “sounder”

sg. sounder, pl. sounders
  1. piranti utawa wong sing nggawe swara
    The alarm system was equipped with a loud sounder to alert everyone in case of a fire.
  2. piranti kanggo ngirim pesen telegraf nganggo swara
    The telegraph operator listened intently to the clicks of the sounder to decode the message.
  3. piranti kanggo ngukur jerone banyu
    The captain used a sounder to measure the depth of the water before anchoring the ship.
  4. wong sing ngukur jerone banyu
    The sounder on board took regular depth measurements to ensure we were navigating safely.
  5. kelompok babi alas
    We spotted a sounder of wild boar foraging in the forest clearing.