kata benda “scene”
tunggal scene, jamak scenes utawa ora bisa diitung
- adegan
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
In the movie, the scene where the hero confronts the villain on the rooftop was the most thrilling.
- kaanan (kaanan kang katon utawa kaanan tartamtu)
After the earthquake, every street corner presented a scene of destruction.
- papan kedadenan
Firefighters rushed to the scene of the accident, where two cars had collided.
- gegaman (gegaman emosi utawa konflik ing umum)
When he realized his order was wrong, he started yelling at the waiter, causing quite a scene in the restaurant.
- komunitas (komunitas kanthi kapentingan utawa gaya urip sing padha)
He's been a part of the local skateboarding scene for years, knowing all the best spots and everyone who's anyone.