kata benda “queue”
tunggal queue, jamak queues utawa ora bisa diitung
- antrean
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
We waited in the queue for an hour to buy concert tickets.
- struktur data antrean (struktur data kanggo nyimpen objek kanthi cara ditambahake ing pungkasan lan diilangi saka ngarep)
To manage the print jobs efficiently, the printer software adds them to a queue, ensuring they are printed in the order they were received.
cêkapan “queue”
infinitif queue; dhèwèké queues; lampau queued; part. lampau queued; ger. queueing, queuing
- ngantre
We queued for an hour to get tickets to the concert.
- nambahake menyang struktur data antrean
The system automatically queues new print jobs until the current one is finished.