
present (EN)
sifat, kata benda, kata benda, cêkapan

sifat “present”

  1. saiki
    The present situation demands our attention.
  2. ana (ing panggonan tartamtu)
    All members present agreed on the new policy.
  3. waspada
    Yoga helps me stay present and mindful.

kata benda “present”

sg. present, uncountable
  1. saiki
    We should focus on the present and not worry about the past.
  2. bentuk saiki
    In the sentence "She walks," the verb "walks" is in the present.

kata benda “present”

sg. present, pl. presents
  1. peparing
    She received many presents on her birthday.
  2. posisi presentasi
    The soldiers stood at present during the ceremony.

cêkapan “present”

present; he presents; past presented, part. presented; ger. presenting
  1. menehi
    The mayor presented an award to the firefighter for his bravery.
  2. nampilake
    The scientist will present her findings at the conference.
  3. ngenalake
    Allow me to present our new CEO, Mr. Johnson.
  4. ngusulake
    She presented her proposal to the committee.
  5. dadi pemandu
    He presents a popular quiz show on television.
  6. nuduhake gejala
    The patient presented with a high fever and rash.
  7. muncul
    He presented himself at the police station to make a statement.
  8. nyekel senjata (ing posisi formal)
    The soldiers presented arms during the national anthem.
  9. nuduhake kesiapane (kanggo kawin)
    The female baboon presented to the male during mating season.