pick (EN)
cêkapan, kata benda

cêkapan “pick”

pick; he picks; past picked, part. picked; ger. picking
  1. milih saka macem-macem pilihan
    After looking at all the puppies, she picked the smallest one to take home.
  2. nyabut woh utawa sayur saka tandurané kanggo didahar
    Every autumn, we go to the orchard to pick apples for homemade pies.
  3. nyekel lan nyabut nganggo driji
    If you pick at the scab, you are going to hurt yourself again.
  4. nyabut utawa mbusak kanthi nyabut (mbusak kanthi cara narik)
    The child picked the petals off the daisy one by one.
  5. mbusak saka panggonan nganggo alat sing landhep
    After eating the corn on the cob, she used a toothpick to pick out the kernels stuck between her teeth.
  6. ngerti jinis lemparan ing kriket
    The batsman failed to pick the spinner's arm ball and was caught off guard when it didn't turn.
  7. main alat musik kanthi nyentrik senar
    She gently picked the strings of her guitar, filling the room with a soft melody.
  8. mbukak kunci tanpa ana kunci nganggo alat
    After watching several tutorials online, Mia managed to pick the lock on her old diary with a paperclip.

kata benda “pick”

sg. pick, pl. picks or uncountable
  1. alat gali sing duwé tungtung sing lancip
    He swung the pick into the hard soil to break it up for planting.
  2. godhong palu sing duwé tungtung sing lancip kanggo mbentuk watu
    The miller carefully wielded his pick to sharpen the grooves on the aging millstone.
  3. alat kanggo mbukak kunci tanpa kunci asli
    The burglar used a pick to quietly unlock the back door and slip inside the house.
  4. sisir kanggo rambut keriting sing duwé gigi sing renggang
    After washing her hair, Tanya reached for her pick to gently detangle her tight curls.
  5. alat kanggo main senar gitar
    She lost her guitar pick in the middle of the concert and had to strum with her fingers instead.
  6. tumindak milih utawa hak kanggo milih
    When it comes to dessert, you have your pick of either the chocolate cake or the apple pie.
  7. pilihan utawa barang sing paling dikarepake
    Out of all the puppies, the one with the floppy ears was the family's pick for their new pet.
  8. manuver basket kanggo mblokir lawan
    During the game, Mike set a solid pick for his teammate, allowing him to get open for a shot.
  9. strategi lacrosse kanggo ngalangi pembela
    During the lacrosse game, Mike set a solid pick that allowed Sarah to get open and score a goal.
  10. intersepsi ing bal-balan Amerika
    The quarterback threw a pass that was easily read by the defender, resulting in a crucial pick that turned the game around.
  11. tumindak pertahanan sing trampil dening pemain lapangan dalam ing baseball
    The shortstop made an impressive pick, snagging the ground ball with a swift backhand before throwing to first for the out.
  12. dolanan ing baseball nalika pelari ketangkep ora ana ing base
    The pitcher caught the runner off first base with a quick pick.