p (EN)
aksara, kata benda, lambang

Tembung iki uga bisa dadi wangun saka:
P (aksara, lambang)

aksara “p”

  1. wujud cilik saka aksara "P"
    The word "pen" starts with the letter "p".

kata benda “p”

sg. p, pl. pp or uncountable
  1. singkatan saka "kaca"
    See the chart on p 24 for more details, or read pp 26–28.

lambang “p”

  1. singkatan saka penny (1/100 saka dolar) utawa pence (1/100 saka pound)
    I bought a bag of sweets for 99p at the corner shop.
  2. singkatan saka "progressive scan" ing kompresi video (sakabèh pigura digambar bareng wektu iku).
    For a clearer picture, choose a TV that supports 1080p.
  3. simbol kanggo proton ing fisika
    In a water molecule, H₂O, each hydrogen atom contributes one p.
  4. simbol kanggo tekanan ing fisika
    The formula for pressure is p = F/A, where F is the force applied, and A is the area.
  5. piano (tandha kanggo muter kanthi alon ing musik)
    The sheet music indicated with a "p" that the next section should be played softly.