kata benda “oak”
tunggal oak, jamak oaks utawa ora bisa diitung
- wit jati
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
The children played under the shade of the old oak in the park.
- kayu jati
The dining table is crafted from solid oak.
- coklat jati
She chose a dress in a deep oak to match the autumn leaves.
- lawang utama (ing kampus utawa panggonan sing padha)
When the professor needed some quiet time, he would sport his oak to avoid interruptions.
sifat “oak”
bentuk dasar oak, ora bisa diukur
- saka kayu jati
The large dining table in the kitchen is oak and very sturdy.
- coklat jati
She wore a beautiful dress in a deep oak shade that matched the autumn leaves.