kata benda “middle”
tunggal middle, jamak middles utawa ora bisa diitung
- tengah
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
The treasure map indicated that the gold was buried right in the middle of the island.
- neng tengah-tengahe
The movie got so exciting in the middle that I couldn't take my eyes off the screen.
- weteng
After months of core workouts, she could finally see definition in her middle.
- tiyang ageng (dipigunakaké kanggo nyebut salah siji saka telu tiyang ing kriket, kang ana ing tengah)
The batsman aimed precisely and hit the ball straight through the middle stump.
sifat “middle”
bentuk dasar middle (more/most)
- antarane (dipigunakaké kanggo nerangake posisi kang padha adohé saka loro pucuk)
She sat in the middle seat of the row, with friends on either side.