media (EN)
kata benda, kata benda, sifat

Tembung iki uga bisa dadi wangun saka:
medium (kata benda)

kata benda “media”

sg. media, pl. media or uncountable
  1. media
    Social media platforms have become a major source of news and entertainment for people around the world.
  2. media (berkas lan data sing bisa dideleng utawa didangu)
    To complete our project, we need to gather all the media, including videos and images, onto the shared drive.

kata benda “media”

sg. media, pl. medias, mediae
  1. media (lapisan tengah saka pembuluh darah utawa pembuluh getih sing digawe saka jaringan penghubung lan otot)
    During the surgery, the doctor noticed that the media of the patient's artery was unusually thick, indicating potential cardiovascular issues.

sifat “media”

media, non-gradable
  1. multimedia (sing ngemot gabungan teks, audio, gambar, animasi, utawa video)
    We need to convert these media files into a format compatible with our presentation software.