kata benda “half”
tunggal half, jamak halves
- setengah
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
She gave me half of her sandwich.
- setengah lapangan
The team switched sides and played in the other half after halftime.
- nomer 1/2
When you add a half to a quarter, you get 3/4.
- setengah pint
I'll have a half of cider, please.
- (setengah jam, diiringi karo "past") telung puluh menit sawisé jam sing diwènèhaké
The meeting starts at half past three in the afternoon.
sifat “half”
bentuk dasar half, ora bisa diukur
- setengah
The table is a half meter wide.
- setengah (ora sampurna)
She told a half truth to avoid getting into trouble.
- se-ibu utawa se-bapak
I have a half sister who shares the same mother as me.
kata kriya “half”
- setengah
The bottle was half full.
- setengah (ora sampurna)
She was only half listening to the lecture.
kata sandhangan “half”
- (UK, digunakake tanpa "past") telung puluh menit sawisé jam tartamtu
I'll meet you at half seven (i.e.. 7:30) for dinner.