kata benda “fellow”
tunggal fellow, jamak fellows
- priya
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
While walking home, I chatted with a cheerful fellow selling flowers.
- anggota saka perguruan tinggi utawa universitas sing mulang utawa nindakake panaliten
After his PhD, he became a fellow at the university to continue his studies.
- anggota saka paguyuban profesional utawa ilmiah
She was honored to be named a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
- kanca
The hikers depended on their fellows during the long trek.
- dokter magang
The new cardiology fellow is learning specialized procedures at the hospital.
sifat “fellow”
bentuk dasar fellow, ora bisa diukur
- digunakake kanggo njlèntrèhaké wong sing nindakake kegiyatan sing padha karo kowé
She quickly made friends with her fellow travelers on the tour.