kata benda “economy”
tunggal economy, jamak economies utawa ora bisa diitung
- sistem produksi
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
The country's economy grew stronger as more businesses started exporting goods.
- negara (ing babagan produksi)
China is the largest economy of Asia.
- pengelolaan sumber daya
By using solar panels, the school improved its energy economy.
- nggunakake jumlah paling sithik sing dibutuhake
The new software was designed with an economy of effort, allowing users to complete tasks with minimal clicks.
- kelas ekonomi
We decided to book economy seats to save money on our trip.
sifat “economy”
bentuk dasar economy, ora bisa diukur
- irit
She chose an economy washing machine to save on electricity bills.