
cool (EN)
sifat, kata benda, cêkapan

sifat “cool”

cool, cooler, coolest
  1. adhem
    We enjoyed a cool breeze on the hot summer day.
  2. keren
    That new song is really cool!
  3. tenang
    The pilot remained cool during the emergency landing.
  4. lumayan
    Is it cool if I call you later?
  5. adhem (warna)
    The designer used cool colors to create a peaceful atmosphere.
  6. adhem (emosi)
    His suggestion received a cool response from the team.

kata benda “cool”

sg. cool, uncountable
  1. adhem
    The cool of the night was a relief after the hot day.
  2. ketenangan
    She kept her cool even when everyone else panicked.
  3. kekerenan
    His style has a certain cool that others admire.

cêkapan “cool”

cool; he cools; past cooled, part. cooled; ger. cooling
  1. ngadhemke
    She fanned herself to cool down.
  2. adhem
    The soup needs to cool before we can eat it.
  3. adhem (semangat)
    His enthusiasm cooled after the initial excitement wore off.