kata benda “capacity”
tunggal capacity, jamak capacities utawa ora bisa diitung
- kapasitas (kemampuan nyimpen utawa nampa jumlah tartamtu)
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
The water bottle has a capacity of 1 liter, so it can't hold more than that.
- kapasitansi
The battery capacity determines how much electrical charge it can store.
- kapasitas maksimum (jumlah maksimum sing bisa ditampung)
The stadium was filled to capacity, with no empty seats left.
- kapabilitas (kemampuan nindakake tugas)
Despite her young age, Lily has the capacity to solve complex math problems quickly.
- kapasitas produksi maksimum
The factory has a capacity of 500 cars per month.
- peran (posisi nalika seseorang nindakake fungsi)
In her capacity as team leader, she organized weekly meetings to ensure everyone was on track.