kata benda “business”
tunggal business, jamak businesses utawa ora bisa diitung
- usaha
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
My uncle owns a small business that sells handmade furniture.
- bisnis
This website is in the language education business.
- perdagangan
Our business increased significantly during the holiday season.
- manajemen bisnis
She decided to pursue a degree in business to learn how to run her own company.
- kerja
Are you traveling to New York for business or pleasure?
- perkara
She had some personal business to take care of before the meeting.
- urusan (pribadi)
It's none of your business what time I go to bed.
- kelas bisnis
She always preferred flying business for the extra legroom and better meals.