kata benda “article”
tunggal article, jamak articles
- seratan
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
She read an interesting article about climate change in the science magazine.
- barang
She placed every article of furniture in the room to create a cozy atmosphere.
- tembung sandhangan (kaya ta "sebuah", "sawijining", utawa "the" ing basa Inggris)
Before nouns that start with a vowel sound, use the article "an," as in "an apple."
- pasal
Each article in the company's bylaws outlines specific guidelines for the board of directors to follow.
- komponen (ing konteks struktur sing luwih gedhe lan nyambung karo komponen liyane)
The robot's arm was made up of several articles, which allowed it to move with human-like flexibility.