S (EN)
aksara, kata benda, lambang

Tembung iki uga bisa dadi wangun saka:
s (aksara, lambang)

aksara “S”

  1. wujud aksara gedhe saka huruf "s"
    The name Stephen starts with the letter "S".

kata benda “S”

sg. S, pl. S's, Ss
  1. kidul
    Turn left when you reach the intersection, then head straight towards the S.
  2. serial
    The show got really interesting in S04, so I can't wait to see what happens next.
  3. cilik
    I realized the shirt was too tight, so I exchanged it for an S.
  4. soprano
    In the choir, the Ss stood on the right, ready to hit the high notes with precision.

lambang “S”

  1. belerang (unsur kimia)
    H₂S is the chemical formula for hydrogen sulfide, which contains sulfur.
  2. Siemens (satuan kanggo ngukur gampange listrik ngalir liwat bahan)
    The electrical conductance of the wire was measured at 5 S, indicating it has high conductivity.
  3. kode kanggo asam amino serin
    The protein sequence starts with the amino acids A, T, G, and S.
  4. simbol kanggo ukuran cilik ing klambi
    The label of the T-shirt said "S", so it was too small for me.