E (EN)
aksara, kata benda, lambang

Tembung iki uga bisa dadi wangun saka:
e (aksara, lambang)

aksara “E”

  1. wujud aksara gedhe saka huruf "e"
    The name Emma starts with the letter "E".

kata benda “E”

sg. E, pl. Es
  1. tandha sing nuduhake kinerja luwih elek tinimbang D, asring dianggep minangka nilai gagal
    After reviewing his report card, Tom realized he received an E in math, indicating he had failed the class.
  2. singkatan saka "episode"
    I can't wait to watch S02E05 of my favorite show tonight.
  3. istilah gaul kanggo obat rekreasi ekstasi (MDMA)
    At the party, someone offered me E, but I declined because I don't do drugs.

lambang “E”

  1. simbol sing nuduhake konten cocog kanggo kabeh umur
    The new puzzle game is rated E, so it's suitable for players of all ages.
  2. simbol kanggo nuduhake arah lawan saka kulon
    The sign reads "2mi E", so we have to go towards the eastern part now.
  3. simbol sing digunakake ing notasi ilmiah kanggo nuduhake pangkat sepuluh sing dijumlahake karo angka kasebut
    The number 5.97E24 represents the mass of the Earth in kilograms.
  4. simbol heksadesimal kanggo angka 15
    In hexadecimal, the number 14 is represented as 0x0E.
  5. simbol kanggo nggambarake energi ing fisika
    In physics class, we learned that E=mc² shows how mass can be converted into energy.
  6. simbol kanggo nandheske asam amino glutamat ing biochemistry
    In the protein sequence, "E" stands for glutamic acid, an important amino acid for cellular metabolism.
  7. simbol kang nggambarake konsep matematika saka rega sing diarepake
    If you roll a fair six-sided die, the expected value, or E(X), of the outcome is 3.5.
  8. simbol sing nuduhake ukuran cangkir bra tartamtu
    After losing weight, she realized she needed to shop for bras with a smaller band size but still an E cup.