wear (EN)

動詞 “wear”

wear; he wears; past wore, part. worn; ger. wearing
  1. 着る
    She's wearing a bright red scarf today.
  2. 常に身につける
    She wears glasses because otherwise he would not even recognize other people.
  3. (顔に)〜の表情を浮かべる
    Even after the long meeting, he still wore a smile.
  4. 摩耗する
    The soles of my shoes have worn from all the walking.
  5. 摩耗して〜になる
    The carpet in the hallway has worn thin from decades of daily use.
  6. (何かを)摩耗させて(穴、裂け目などを)作る
    Years of walking the same path had worn a groove into the stone steps.

名詞 “wear”

sg. wear, uncountable
  1. 〜着(例:夏着)
    She bought new swimwear for her vacation to the beach.
    Her company sells a lot of maternity wear.
  2. 摩耗
    The old book's pages showed signs of wear, making it difficult to read some of the words.