leg (EN)

名詞 “leg”

sg. leg, pl. legs
  1. The cat stretched its legs before leaping onto the windowsill.
  2. パンツの脚部(ズボンの足を覆う部分)
    She spilled coffee on the legs of her new white pants.
  3. 脚(物を地面から支える部分)
    The table wobbled because one of its legs was shorter than the others.
  4. 区間
    The marathon's toughest leg was the steep climb near the end, pushing runners to their limits.
  5. ステージ(スポーツの大会内の単一イベント)
    Barcelona won the first leg of the Champions League semi-final, putting them in a strong position for the return match.
  6. 直角三角形の底辺(最も長くない側)
    In a right triangle, the length of each leg can be used to calculate the hypotenuse using the Pythagorean theorem.
  7. 等脚三角形の脚(同じ長さの二辺)
    In an isosceles triangle, both legs are of the same length, creating two equal angles at the base.