Nafnorð “store”
eintala store, fleirtala stores eða óteljanlegt
- verslun
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
She bought a new dress at the clothing store downtown.
- geymsla
The shed in our backyard serves as a store for gardening tools.
- birgðir
Despite the power outage, the village had a large store of canned food to rely on.
sögn “store”
nafnháttur store; hann stores; þátíð stored; lh. þt. stored; nhm. storing
- geyma
We stored the winter coats in the basement until next season.
- hafa geymslupláss (fyrir hluti)
The water bottle stores enough liquid to keep you hydrated during the hike.
- geyma (upplýsingar eða staðreyndir í tölvu eða huga)
The computer stores all the photos you upload.