Nafnorð “product”
eintala product, fleirtala products eða óteljanlegt
- vara
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
The store shelves were stocked with a variety of cleaning products, from detergents to disinfectants.
- afurð (niðurstaða vinnu eða ákveðinnar aðstæðu)
Her success is a product of both her education and relentless determination.
- framleiðsla (heildarmagn sem framleitt er)
The factory's product output has doubled since the introduction of new machinery.
- snyrtivara
She uses a variety of products to style her curls perfectly.
- efnisafurð (efni sem myndast í efnahvarfi)
Water is a product of the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen.
- margfeldi
The product of 2 and 3 is 6.