Nafnorð “craft”
eintala craft, fleirtala crafts eða óteljanlegt
- handverk
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
The potter's craft has been passed down through generations in his family.
- hæfileiki
Her craft in weaving intricate tapestries was renowned throughout the village.
- handverksmunir
The holiday market was filled with various crafts, from knitted scarves to hand-painted ornaments.
Nafnorð “craft”
eintala craft, fleirtala craft
- farartæki (skýring: notuð á vatni, í lofti eða geimnum)
The fishermen took their craft out to sea at dawn, hoping for a bountiful catch.
sögn “craft”
nafnháttur craft; hann crafts; þátíð crafted; lh. þt. crafted; nhm. crafting
- að smíða (skýring: búa til eitthvað með færni)
She crafted a beautiful necklace from beads and wire.
- að búa til (skýring: í tölvuleikjum, skapa nýjan hlut)
In the game, you need to craft a sword using iron ingots and a stick.