lýsingarorð “convertible”
grunnform convertible (more/most)
- umbreytanlegur
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
The sofa is convertible into a bed, making it perfect for when we have overnight guests staying.
- breytanlegur (fjármál, hægt að skipta fyrir hlutabréf)
The company issued convertible bonds, allowing investors to convert their bonds into company shares in the future.
- breytanlegur (gjaldmiðill)
The US dollar is a fully convertible currency, so it's accepted in many countries around the world.
Nafnorð “convertible”
eintala convertible, fleirtala convertibles
- sportbíll með fellingarþaki
They took a scenic drive in their convertible, enjoying the wind in their hair and the sunshine.
- (fjármál) skuldabréf eða önnur verðbréf sem hægt er að skipta fyrir hlutabréf
She invested in convertibles to have the option of becoming a shareholder if the company performed well.
- tölva sem hægt er að breyta (tölva sem getur skipt á milli fartölvu- og spjaldtölvuhátta)
He prefers using a convertible for its flexibility between typing on a keyboard and using it as a touch-screen tablet.