
canvas (EN)
Nafnorð, sögn

Nafnorð “canvas”

eintala canvas, fleirtala canvases eða óteljanlegt
  1. strigi
    The boat's sails were made from tough canvas.
  2. strigadúkur (til að mála á)
    The artist worked on a large canvas for his latest project.
  3. strigamynd
    The gallery displayed several famous canvases.
  4. strigi (sem bakgrunnur fyrir sköpun)
    The city became a canvas for his imagination.
  5. strigaflötur
    She drew shapes on the canvas in the drawing application.
  6. segl
    The captain ordered the crew to set more canvas to catch the wind.

sögn “canvas”

nafnháttur canvas; hann canvases; þátíð canvased; lh. þt. canvased; nhm. canvasing
  1. þekja með striga
    They canvased the boat to protect it from the rain.