
O (EN)
stafur, Nafnorð, eind, Sérnafn, tákn

Þetta orð getur einnig verið form af:
o (stafur, tölustafur)

stafur “O”

  1. stórt form bókstafsins "o"
    Olivia wrote her name with a big "O" at the beginning.

Nafnorð “O”

eintala O, fleirtala Os, O's eða óteljanlegt
  1. blóðflokkur sem skortir A eða B mótefni
    Since she has type O blood, she can only receive donations from others with the same type.
  2. slangur fyrir fullnægingu
    After months of trying, she finally experienced her first O with her partner.
  3. slangur fyrir ópíum
    He pulled out a small pouch and whispered, "Got some O if you're looking to relax."

eind “O”

  1. ó (notað í beinum ávarpum)
    O Captain! My Captain! Our fearful trip is done.

Sérnafn “O”

  1. O (í kóreskum eða kínverskum eftirnöfnum)
    Mrs. O, originally from Seoul, is known for her delicious kimchi recipe.

tákn “O”

  1. táknið fyrir súrefni
    Water is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, represented chemically as H2O.
  2. O (í stærðfræði, tákn fyrir flokk falla)
    In algorithm analysis, if we say a sorting algorithm is O(n log n), it means its time complexity will not grow faster than n log n times some constant, for large enough n.
  3. O (í línulegri algebru og hópafræði, tákn fyrir hornréttan hóp)
    In our study of symmetries, we learned that the set of rotations and reflections of a square forms an orthogonal group, denoted as O(2).