Þetta orð getur einnig verið form af:
f (stafur, Nafnorð, tákn) stafur “F”
- stórstafurinn af stafnum "f"
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
The name "Frank" starts with "F".
Nafnorð “F”
eintala F, fleirtala Fs
- einkunn sem táknar fall, verri en D eða E
When she saw the F on her math test, she knew she had to study harder.
- tegund af blýanti með grafíti
For detailed sketching, she always preferred using an F pencil because of its fine line quality.
Sérnafn “F”
- Fahrenheit
The temperature today is expected to reach 75°F.
- föstudagur
In the calendar, the days are shown as S M T W T F S.
lýsingarorð “F”
grunnform F, ekki stigbreytanlegt
- kvenkyn (stytting notuð í eyðublöðum)
The form asked for my gender, so I checked the box marked "F".
sögn “F”
- væmni orðalag til að segja "fuck"
When he dropped his phone in the toilet, all he could say was, "Oh F, not again!"
upphrópun “F”
- (internetslangur) tjáning á eftirsjá fyrir eitthvað óheppilegt
He dropped his ice cream cone; F in the chat, guys.
tákn “F”
- efnafræðilegt tákn fyrir flúor
In H₂O, H can be replaced with F to create hydrofluoric acid.
- tákn fyrir eininguna fyrir rýmd, farad
The capacitor has a capacitance of 1 F, which is suitable for the circuit.
- táknar töluna fimmtán í sextándakerfinu
In hexadecimal, the number 15 is represented as "F".
- einstafa kóðinn fyrir amínósýruna fenýlalanín
A F G T is an example of a sequence containing phenylalanine.
- táknið fyrir kraft í eðlisfræði
To calculate the force, use the formula F = m × a, where m is mass and a is acceleration.
- F (brjóstahaldarastærð)
After getting properly measured, she found out she was actually an F cup.