F (EN)
bogstav, Navneord, Egennavn, tillægsord, udsagnsord, udråbsord, symbol

Dette ord kan også være en form af:
f (bogstav, Navneord, symbol)

bogstav “F”

  1. store form af bogstavet "f"
    The name "Frank" starts with "F".

Navneord “F”

sg. F, pl. Fs
  1. en karakter der indikerer fejl, værre end et D eller et E
    When she saw the F on her math test, she knew she had to study harder.
  2. en type blyant med sort bly
    For detailed sketching, she always preferred using an F pencil because of its fine line quality.

Egennavn “F”

  1. Fahrenheit
    The temperature today is expected to reach 75°F.
  2. fredag
    In the calendar, the days are shown as S M T W T F S.

tillægsord “F”

F, non-gradable
  1. køn: kvinde (en forkortelse brugt i formularer)
    The form asked for my gender, so I checked the box marked "F".

udsagnsord “F”

  1. en eufemistisk måde at sige "fuck" på
    When he dropped his phone in the toilet, all he could say was, "Oh F, not again!"

udråbsord “F”

  1. (internetslang) et udtryk for beklagelse over noget uheldigt
    He dropped his ice cream cone; F in the chat, guys.

symbol “F”

  1. det kemiske symbol for fluor
    In H₂O, H can be replaced with F to create hydrofluoric acid.
  2. symbolet for enheden af kapacitans, farad
    The capacitor has a capacitance of 1 F, which is suitable for the circuit.
  3. repræsenterer tallet femten i hexadecimal
    In hexadecimal, the number 15 is represented as "F".
  4. den et-bogstavs kode for aminosyren phenylalanin
    A F G T is an example of a sequence containing phenylalanine.
  5. symbolet for kraft i fysik
    To calculate the force, use the formula F = m × a, where m is mass and a is acceleration.
  6. F (bh-skålstørrelse)
    After getting properly measured, she found out she was actually an F cup.