
East (EN)

Þetta orð getur einnig verið form af:
east (Nafnorð, lýsingarorð, atviksorð)

Sérnafn “East”

  1. Austurlönd (löndin og menningarnar í Asíu, sérstaklega Austur-Asíu)
    He has always been interested in the history and traditions of the East.
  2. Austantjald (þýðir kommúnistaríki Austur-Evrópu og Asíu á tímum kalda stríðsins)
    The tension between the East and the West escalated during the 1960s.
  3. Austurhluti
    There are plans to develop the East with new housing projects.
  4. ættarnafn
    Mr. East is our new neighbor.