kata benda “letter”
tunggal letter, jamak letters atau tak terhitung
- huruf
Daftar untuk melihat terjemahan contoh kalimat dan definisi monolingual dari setiap kata.
The word "apple" starts with the letter "a".
- surat
He received a letter from the university, informing him of his acceptance into the program.
- ukuran standar kertas yang digunakan di Amerika Serikat (8½ x 11 inci, yaitu 215,9 mm × 279,4 mm)
For my school project, I chose the letter size to be able to print it out easily.
kata kerja “letter”
infinitif letter; dia letters; lampau lettered; part. lampau lettered; ger. lettering
- memberi huruf pada
She lettered her name on the front cover of her notebook.
- mendapatkan penghargaan (dalam konteks olahraga sekolah atau perguruan tinggi di AS)
John lettered in football during his senior year of high school.