ˈliɡl US ˈliːɡl UK

legal (EN)
kata sifat, kata benda

kata sifat “legal”

bentuk dasar legal (more/most)
  1. sah
    Is it legal to park here without a permit?
  2. hukum
    She wants to start a legal career after graduating.
  3. sah menurut aturan permainan
    In chess, moving the king two squares is not a legal move.
  4. cukup umur (secara hukum)
    She just turned 18, so she's finally legal.

kata benda “legal”

tunggal legal, jamak legals atau tak terhitung
  1. bagian hukum
    Legal needs to approve the contract before we proceed.
  2. kertas berukuran 8½ × 14 inci
    Please print the documents on legal.
  3. imigran sah
    She worked hard to become a legal in this country.