proud (EN)

հակադարձ “proud”

proud, prouder, proudest
  1. հպարտ
    She felt proud when her painting was displayed in the school art show.
  2. գոռոզ
    Even though he made a mistake, he was too proud to apologize.
  3. հպարտություն պատճառող
    Winning the award made her parents very proud.
  4. ինքնասիրահարված
    She felt proud of her hard work and achievements.
  5. հպարտություն պատճառող (հատուկ իրադարձության կամ ձեռքբերման պատճառով)
    She felt proud when her son graduated from college.
  6. վեհ
    The ancient castle stood on the hill with its proud towers reaching towards the sky.
  7. բարձրացած
    The old tree's roots were proud above the ground, creating small bumps in the lawn.